Elevating the minor player
The August issue of Landscape Australia magazine features an article by LatStudios Associate Director Jess Stewart “Elevating the minor player”.
Congratulations to Jess on this fantastic piece exploring the world of small plants - rich in social, aesthetic and environmental worth, small plants yield large rewards – and foster wonder in those who cultivate them.
Read this article on the Landscape Australia website here: https://landscapeaustralia.com/articles/elevating-the-minor-player/
Jess is a semi-regular contributor to Landscape Australia magazine, you can read more of her published articles on their website: https://landscapeaustralia.com/contributors/Stewart-Jess/
Landscape Australia magazine is available at newsagents and online.
Image caption: Designed by TCL in collaboration with Paul Thompson, the Melbourne Museum’s experiential Forest Gallery is thriving after more than 20 years of growth. Photo by Jess Stewart.