Parramatta Bridge is open
The Alfred Street Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridge over the Parramatta River is open!
We've been collaborating with City of Parramatta, Bonacci Infrastructure, Archipelago and Adam Guernier since 2017 on Parramatta's latest piece of superb community connectivity.
Located on the lands of the Burramattagal people of the Dharug Clan, the bridge's timeless design minimised impacts to existing riparian vegetation whilst linking up homes, local schools, public transport stops and parklands in a safe, intuitive and accessible manner.
More information:
City of Parramatta: https://participate.cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au/alfred-street-bridge
Bonacci Infrastructure: https://bon-infra.com/projects/parramatta-river-pedestrian-and-cyclist-bridge/
Archipelago: https://www.archipelago.com.au/parramatta-bridge
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