Wendy Davies appointed to Board
LatStudios is very excited to announce that Wendy Davies has been appointed to the LatStudios Board.
This is in recognition of her leadership and significant contribution to building the professional capabilities and ongoing success of the practice. Wendy is a highly respected and multi award-winning Landscape Planner and Landscape Architect.
Wendy has been with LatStudios since 2015 and leads our Landscape Planning Team, servicing significant regional landscape and scenic amenity planning and policy, renewables (solar, wind etc), energy storage and transmission, transportation infrastructure, water and urban development projects. She is a member of the AILA Queensland advocacy committee, a member and former chair of the AILA Queensland Regional Landscape Group, regular guest lecturer at universities across South East Queensland and a member of the editorial team of the academic journal Landscape Review.
Wendy’s appointment brings female representation on the LatStudios board to over 50%. Wendy will transition into this pivotal role in the coming weeks.