Beenleigh Town Centre Streetscape

Project Details
LatStudios and our sub-consultant team, were engaged by Logan City Council to work collaboratively with them to develop the detailed design and implementation of the first stage of the Beenleigh Town Centre Streetscape Master Plan. This project has been the catalyst for the regeneration of Beenleigh's Town Centre, focused on the town core, it has built on the activation of the Town Square and demonstrates the opportunity to create a comfortable and attractive public realm which consolidates a distinctive local character and stimulates investment and activation.
The heart of Beenleigh, around the Town Square precinct, had undergone a public realm upgrade, plus significant social and economic change due to the growth of nearby Yarrabilba. LatStudios were commissioned to undertake the Streetscape Master Plan which established the framework and design rules for the detailed design and implementation works, building on the previous investment in the Town Square to enhance connectivity and maximise its broader influence on the Town Centre.
The project has successfully overcome complex site constraints related to working in an existing built environment to achieve community focused outcomes through the integration of iconic public artwork, working closely with Logan City Council and local and First Nations artists, providing a legacy for the people.

Benefits of LatStudios' design:
- Successfully delivered on the key objectives of the master plan project
- Increased pedestrian prioritisation through additional street crossings and reduced road speeds
- Improved pedestrian amenity with upgraded footpaths and pedestrian street furniture
- Integrated street trees to increase natural shade to improve microclimate and comfort
- Created additional public break out space through rationalisation of roads and parking
- Integrated public art through collaboration with local artists to enhance cultural identity
- Emphasised existing architectural features
- Improved public safety through activation and lighting
- Increased foot traffic and visible public life
- Introduced a distinctive native planting palette to reinforce the town identity.

Selected photography by Scott Burrows Photography
Selected photography courtesy of Logan City Council
Video courtesy of Logan City Council