Currumbin Eco-Parkland Master Plan

Project Details
LatStudios were engaged by Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) to investigate the opportunity to transform 148 hectares (ha) of land on the southern Gold Coast into a major eco-parkland, on behalf of the Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP).
In collaboration with a specialist team of engineers, ecologists and technical experts, the team at LatStudios led the initial pre-master plan feasibility phase for the project. This work informed the development of a high-level options plan that was used for a series of consultation workshops with Traditional Owners, local environmental groups, recreation and sporting groups and local residents to identify key opportunities and appropriate uses for the site.
The preliminary options plan was then refined to develop several options based on detailed ecological assessments and the outcomes of an Enquiry by Design workshop which provided stakeholders with the opportunity to participate in an interactive workshop and help shape the direction of the project.
Following further community and stakeholder engagement, a preferred ‘activation plan’ was identified by EDQ. The Queensland Government have committed 31 million over 3 years to support the initial phase of work to activate the eco-parkland, which will provide access, amenities and parking for visitors to the site as well as for workers undertaking maintenance or restoration of the site.
Benefits of LatStudios' design:
- Protects and enhances the existing environmental values of the site including through the revegetation of degraded terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems present
- Protects local koala habitat and provide a new koala rehabilitation facility and associated fodder eucalypt plantation
- Resolves issues associated with site hydrology, sensitive habitats and vegetation communities and bushfire risk
- Features sporting and recreational elements for family and community enjoyment, nature based recreational trails and provide opportunities for the appreciation of the natural environment
- Has been informed by a co-design and enquiry by design process.