Logan City Council Ecological Design Guidelines

Project Details
LatStudios were engaged by E2Designlab to provide landscape and urban design advice and graphic design services to assist with the preparation of the Ecological Design Guidelines for Logan City Council.
The guidelines support Council’s vision and desired outcomes identified in the Natural Environment Strategy 2021-2031, that
“The City of Logan’s natural environment is protected, enhanced, connected and celebrated to provide valued spaces for people, plants and animals now and into the future”
The guidelines were developed to provide advice for the planning, design and delivery of projects and assist Council with the assessment and regulation of both private and public developments across the region to achieve best practice ecological design.
The scope of the guidelines was developed with input from Council during one-on-one meetings and workshops to ensure that it addressed existing gaps in knowledge and provided suitable guidance material. This included advice on waterways and wetlands, ecologically designed stormwater management assets, fauna movement and habitat corridors and vegetation protection.
This project demonstrates LatStudios commitment to collaborating with other consultants to improve industry standards and share our knowledge regarding best practice ecological design to ensure that natural elements and systems without our urban environments are supported.
Benefits of LatStudios' guidelines:
- Identifies opportunities to address key threats to Logan City Council’s natural environment through ecological design practices
- Defines key terms and concepts to improve Council and community understanding of Logan’s environmental values and their associated functions and benefits
- Provides a decision-making framework to identify project specific ecological design considerations and requirements
- Provides detailed design guidance for various development typologies
- Contains cross references to best practice industry standards and additional guidance material
- Supported by high quality images, plans, infographics, diagrams, flow charts and ‘checklists’ to provide a highly legible and easy to use document for both Council and the community.