LAT 27°32'59.9"S

Oxley Creek Transformation Master Plan

Council's vision is to transform the Oxley Creek corridor - a 20km highly urbanised waterway from the Brisbane River to Larapinta - into a lifestyle and leisure destination.
project type
Oxley Creek Transformation Pty Ltd (wholly-owned subsidiary of Brisbane City Council)


Graceville to Yarapinta, QLD
traditional custodians of the land
Turrbal & Yuggera Country
2018 Australian Urban Design Awards: Shortlisted for Leadership, Advocacy & Research - City & Regional Scale (LatStudios & Oxley Creek Transformation Pty Ltd)
2018 Planning Institute of Australia Queensland Awards for Planning Excellence: Award of Excellence for Best Planning Ideas - Large (LatStudios, Oxley Creek Transformation Pty Ltd, Jacobs, Deloitte, Designflow, Hydrobiology, University of Queensland Cultural Heritage Unit)
2019 Australian Institute of Landscape Architects Queensland - Award of Excellence for Landscape Management (LatStudios & Oxley Creek Transformation Pty Ltd)
2019 Queensland Minister's Awards for Urban Design - Commendation for Urban Design (LatStudios & Oxley Creek Transformation Pty Ltd)
2019 Planning Institute of Australia National Awards for Planning Excellence: Commendation for Best Planning Ideas - Large (LatStudios, Oxley Creek Transformation Pty Ltd, Jacobs, Deloitte, Designflow, Hydrobiology, University of Queensland Cultural Heritage Unit)
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"The Oxley Creek Transformation Master Plan is an outstanding planning document that clearly exemplifies a large scale project. The judging panel felt that the project demonstrated originality, innovation, transferability and excellent engagement. This project acknowledges a clear distinction in areas that are included in the master plan which speaks to its transferability and innovation. Building on the hard work and commitment of waterway catchment groups, local councils, state and federal governments, this project has taken the master plan from just a plan, to a tangible waterway catchment revitalisation project. The clarity provided in the master plan on the project and implementation steps sets this project above and beyond expectations, with a 20-year delivery timeline and revenue generating delivery model. The judges were impressed with the transferability for this project, and the economic delivery model as a blueprint for waterway regeneration to ensure viable outcomes."
Judges' comments, 2019 PIA National Awards
Project Details
LatStudios, alongside Oxley Creek Transformation, designed the Master Plan for the Oxley Creek corridor. Council's vision is to transform the Oxley Creek corridor - a 20km highly urbanised waterway from the Brisbane River to Larapinta - into a lifestyle and leisure destination. This Master Plan represents the first major milestone in achieving that vision.

LatStudios has reimagined Oxley Creek as an urban playground, economic incubator, environmental asset and an incredible new tourism destination.

Benefits of LatStudios' Master Plan:
  • translates an ambition to make Brisbane one of the world's top 10 lifestyle cities into practical action
  • outlines projects and initiatives to revitalise Brisbane's most urbanised waterway
  • creates a contemporary blueprint for a regionally significant, multifunctional open space
  • seeks environmentally sensitive outcomes
  • embeds flood resilience into the corridor, growing its rich network of green spaces
  • is designed to attract investment to unlock the corridor's economic potential.
Whilst all efforts have been made to display correct information when regarding First Nations culture and Country, we acknowledge the diverse ties to place held by First Nations communities and that we are on a learning journey towards reconciliation. All names of Country/Community have been sourced via the Native Title Tribunal and/or AITSIS
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