Toowoomba Regional Landscape and Urban Character Study & Scenic Amenity Study

Project Details
This study commissioned by Toowoomba Regional Council as part of the Toowoomba Futures program was prepared by a team of consultants led by LatStudios with PSA Consulting (statutory planning), Extent Heritage (heritage advice), Trace Visual (GIS and mapping) and The Comms Team (community consultation and engagement).
The purpose of the study was to identify and define the existing character elements that contribute to the landscape and urban character of the Toowoomba region. The aim of the assessment is to inform the development of a policy framework and recommendations for planning scheme code provisions for the protection and enhancement of the urban character (including built, heritage, open space and vegetation elements) and landscapes of the region, particularly with respect to managing future growth. The study is based on a combination of desktop and field investigation and includes the development of character statements for Toowoomba City and each of the regional settlements (32 towns in total).
A landscape and urban photography competition was promoted as part of the Love Your Local Landscapes platform developed for the project to enhance community interest and engagement with the study as well as community consultation on the study and its recommendations. The study has also been fully integrated with the TRC Scenic Amenity Study to provide a comprehensive assessment of the values of the region and opportunities to protect and enhance these values into the future.