Georgina Pratten

- Toowoomba Regional Council Landscape & Urban Character Assessment
- Toowoomba Regional Council Scenic Amenity
- Inter-Urban Break Outdoor Recreation Plan
- Kempsey Shire Local Growth Management Strategy
- Moreton Bay Recreation Trails Strategy
- Logan City Council Urban Greening Strategy
- Logan City Council Streetscape Character Strategy
- Logan City Council Ecological Design Guidelines
- Toowoomba Regional Council Green Infrastructure Strategy Planning Scheme Integration (GRISPI)
- Bundamba Creek Corridor Study
- Inland Rail Project LVIA, QLD/NSW
- Dulacca Wind Farm LVIA
- Rockhampton Ring Road Preliminary Evaluation and Business Case Landscape Assessment
- Oxley Creek Transformation Master Plan
- Kangaroo Point Peninsula: Urban Renewal Study and Strategy
- Woolgoolga Town Centre Master Plan
- The Green Grid: Inner City Brisbane Study
- Coopers Gap Wind Farm Stage 1 and 2 LVIA
- Pedestrian & Cyclist Bridge across Parramatta River at Alfred Street, Parramatta
- Kingsford Smith Drive Upgrade
- Bundamba Creek Corridor Plan
- Shoreline Master Plan, Redland Bay
Georgina joined the LatStudios team in 2014, and is highly skilled in site analysis, strategic site planning, report production and graphic communication. Her experience encompasses master plan development, recreation and open space planning, landscape character assessments (LCA), urban character assessments (UCAs), landscape and visual impact assessments (LVIAs) and the development of landscape and scenic amenity strategies, urban greening strategies and policy advice for local governments in Queensland and New South Wales.
Georgina recently completed post-graduate studies in Environmental Management at The University of Queensland to further her knowledge on environmental planning and policy in Australia. Her passion for the outdoors, environment, landscape photography and holistic planning outcomes inform her work.

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